My phone-in on BBC WM with Adrian Goldberg 02/04/14

On Wednesday, I was back as a guest on Adrian Goldberg’s morning radio show on BBC WM. During the phone-in we discussed a range of topics, including the recent research linking fruit and veg consumption with reduced risk of death, the value of fruit in the diet, juices and smoothies, carbohydrate loading prior to a marathon, and the possible cause of a lady’s bloating and wind.

3 Responses to My phone-in on BBC WM with Adrian Goldberg 02/04/14

  1. Kathryn Newton 6 April 2014 at 3:56 pm #

    Hi John, Love your analysis of research. The longer I work in research (and even before) the more I realise, one can ‘prove’ just about anything. True the fruit thing too, I certainly found myself eating too much, snacking on fruit mindlessly. Perhaps we should promote 2 fruit and 5 veg (plus the protein of course)

  2. Jean 7 April 2014 at 8:33 am #

    A good interview. Adrian Goldberg has a reputation for airing some very interesting and sometimes controversial topics. He has a big audience in the West Midlands so this was a great chance to reach a lot of people.
    Maybe he’ll invite you back for a third time!

  3. Dave P 7 April 2014 at 7:30 pm #

    The veg thing is a bit of a slippery path because if you load in pretty much all the root veg you will come out with a hefty carb load whereas by including the green leaf veg you don’t come out anywhere near. I now eat more green veg than I used to but allow myself a goose fat roast tattie when a roast comes along. no harm done and best of both worlds

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