Multivitamin and mineral supplementation found to help fat loss and speed metabolic rate

While I am interested in many aspects of health, and in particular providing information that individuals can use to exert more control over their health and wellbeing, I do confess to having a particular interest in weight loss. One reason for this is that its an issue that is quite commonly on people’s mind. As our collective weight and waistlines expand, so does the number of people wanting to shed their excess baggage. The other reason why I have an interest in this area concerns what I believe to be a misguided approach to weight loss based on the calorie principle.

I go through the detail of this in my latest book (Waist Disposal). You can read what I believe to be the major issues here. For those not inclined to go back and read this earlier post, here’s the key points transcribed:

“Conventional advice dictates that weight loss depends on simply eating less or exercising more. Curiously, though, research reveals that there is no good evidence that either of these approaches leads to sustained, meaningful weight loss. The normal retort is that failed slimmers must be ‘cheating’. But could the real reason for failure here be not self-delusion, but a fundamental problem with the calorie-based theory of weight loss?

For example, one reason why eating less may not be effective for long term weight loss is that it can cause the metabolism to stall (if you don’t put much fuel on a fire, it doesn’t burn so well). Plus, calorie-conscious individuals tend to cut the fat in favour or carbohydrate. However, it is carbohydrate that is mainly responsible for the secretion of insulin – the hormone that is chiefly responsible for the deposition of fat in the body.

Another problem with eating less is, well, hunger. And while we might be able to put with this for awhile, in the long term going hungry makes conventional approaches to weight loss quite unsustainable.”

The bottom line is that the way we conventionally think about weight loss (based on the calorie principle) makes significant, sustained weight loss hard to achieve. And I’m not into making this hard for people. I genuinely believe in helping individuals achieve their health goals easily. And that’s a major motivation behind me not perpetuating the calorie principle mantra that so often causes people to end up hungry and demoralised (and, usually, overweight too).

As I wrote in the blog post linked to above:

“In reality, the key to successful, sustainable weight loss is to eat a diet that truly satisfies (so no hunger), but at the same time induces relatively little in the way of insulin.”

What this means, essentially, is eating a relatively low-carb, protein-rich diet based on meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, vegetables and some fruit. It’s a ‘primal’ or ‘paleo’ diet. It’s eating a bit like a caveman (or cavewoman). For most people, successful weight loss in the long term is really is as simple (and as easy) as that.

Because I like things to be easy, I’m interested in little tricks and tools that can aid individuals achieving their health goals with minimal effort. Getting a bit more sleep (by getting into bed a bit earlier) and getting more sun exposure are examples of this. But getting back to the weight loss theme, I was interested to read a recent study which examined the effects of supplementing women with nutrients, in terms of the apparent effect of this on, among other things, weight and fatness [1].

About 100 overweight (average body mass index 28) women aged 18-55 were treated with one of the folowing:

1. a multivitamin and mineral tablet
2. calcium (162 mg per day)
3. a placebo (inactive medication)

The study lasted a total of six months. A number of measurements were taken including body weight, body mass index (BMI), fat mass and waist circumference.

Those taking the multivitamin and mineral, compared to those taking placebo, saw significant falls in body weight, BMI and fat mass.

Why? Well, another measure monitored in this study was ‘resting energy expenditure’ (the amount of energy consumed by the body at rest). This was found to be up in the group taking the multivitamin and mineral. This finding suggests that taking the nutrient supplement sparked a little more life into the metabolisms of the ladies in this study.

Perhaps of some significance is the fact that those taking the multivitamin and mineral saw a fall in a physiological measurement known as the ‘respiratory quotient’. This is assessed by measuring the amount of oxygen an individual uses and comparing that with the amount of carbon dioxide they release in their breath. Respiratory quotients vary between 0.7 and 1.0. Lower values suggest better fat-burning in the cells. Although the fall in the respiratory quotient seen in those taking a multivitamin and mineral did not quite reach statistical significance, this finding suggests that nutrient supplementation might have the potential to enhance fat-burning in the body.

Now, this is one study, and it was done in women (and not men), so I don’t think we’re at a stage where we can recommend nutrient supplementation as some sort of fat loss panacea. However, the idea that nutrient supplementation might aid weight control and fat burning is not too far-fetched: the reactions that convert food into energy in the body depend, to a degree, on ‘co-factors’, many of which are nutrients found in multivitamin and mineral supplements.


1. Li Y, et al. Effects of multivitamin and mineral supplementation on adiposity, energy expenditure and lipid profiles in obese Chinese women. International Journal of Obesity (2010) 34, 1070-1077

9 Responses to Multivitamin and mineral supplementation found to help fat loss and speed metabolic rate

  1. Michael 22 July 2010 at 3:20 am #

    I wonder what they were eating. Especially, I wonder if the supplement would have helped if they were already eating paleo and therefore getting adequate nutrition.

  2. Dr John Briffa 22 July 2010 at 9:01 am #


    It’s unlikely that these women were eating a paleo-type diet (the were Chinese)

  3. Ani 23 July 2010 at 3:43 pm #

    Hi John,

    Saw this study published this morning, thought it might interest you:
    The effect of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on obesity in postmenopausal women: secondary analysis for a large-scale, placebo controlled, double-blind, 4-year longitudinal clinical trial.


    Calcium supplementation over four years had a beneficial effect on body composition in the postmenopausal women. “Changes in trunk fat, trunk lean, and percentage of trunk fat were significantly different between the calcium intervention groups (Ca-only group or Ca + D group) and the placebo group during the trial (P<0.05). The calcium intervention groups gained less trunk fat and maintained more trunk lean when compared to the placebo group. No significant difference was observed for body mass index between groups”

    Best regards

  4. Alannah 1 August 2010 at 4:38 pm #

    I just heard on the Food Programme that calcium supplements can cause heart disease! And I just stocked up on bottles of combined calcium and vitamin D to take back to France with me…should i take them back?

  5. kathleen 24 September 2010 at 12:28 am #

    I have just been diagnosed with osteopinea at 61yrs. I have just purchased osteocare calcium + vit d. Is it safe to take re heart disease scare


  1. Multivitamin And Mineral - 10 September 2010

    […] Multivitamin and mineral supplementation found to help fat loss … This was found to be up in the group taking the multivitamin and mineral This finding suggests that taking the nutrient supplement sparked a little more life into the metabolisms of the ladies in this study. […]

  2. Multivitamin and mineral Supplementation to help found the loss of fat and metabolic rate speed - 15 March 2011

    […]  Print this post […]

  3. Paleo Diet: Essential Supplements? » Paleo Diet News - 1 October 2011

    […] the benefit of multivitamin intake. Dr. John Briffa highlights several in his blog – look here, here, and […]

  4. Paleo Diet: Essential Supplements? » Paleo Diet News - 2 October 2011

    […] the benefits of multivitamin intake. Dr. John Briffa highlights several in his blog – look here, here, and […]

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