Testimonials & Feedback


“PwC is a professional services firm that has enjoyed an association with Dr John Briffa for 17 years. Dr Briffa is the critical instructor on the most successful and enduring development programme in PwC. There is consensus about Dr Briffa in PwC. He has a reputation for offering practical advice in an inspiring way that produces results.

I am convinced that over the years he has helped to re-energise countless individuals, including partners, staff and clients whom I know personally. The passion and the expertise ooze from every session, and so coherent is his universally applicable “big idea” which underpins his advice, that he actually succeeds where the vast majority of consultants fail. That is to say he alters the inner world of many people forever. That is the key to how he can alter their behaviour in a sustainable way.

We are convinced that Dr Briffa’s interventions makes a fantastic difference to the quality of life, productivity and effectiveness of scores of professionals in our business.”

David Prosser Senior Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers

“Dr Briffa delivered an outstanding session to a senior team of over 150 IBM management consultants at our annual vision and strategy event. He more than lived up to his reputation for delivering insightful, thought-provoking and lifestyle-changing health and nutrition advice to senior corporate staff. His rapid, lucid delivery, combined with his deeply-researched insights, made his session the most popular elective session of the day, with many participants talking long after the event about the impact it had made on their lifestyle.

Our most senior executives were particularly energised by his thinking and practical insights and have expressed a keen interest in a follow-up session. Above all, John’s personable warmth and engaging style make him not only a pleasure to listen to, but very easy to work with in shaping the agenda and style of his pitch to suit our audience and programme objectives.”

Andi Britt – Partner – Human Capital Management – Learning Solutions, IBM Global Business Services

“Dr Briffa spoke on diet and general health tips for nearly 3 hours at our conference in Berlin. Against all odds he kept a mixed and demanding audience of around 120 people totally engaged: his energetic and humorous delivery style demands attention. Even more impressively, our delegates walked away buzzing with new ideas about how to improve their health and still refer to the session over a year later – a highly memorable morning.

David Adams – Global Head of Finance & Capital Markets Training Clifford Chance

“I have worked with Dr. John Briffa for 10 years and have found him to be an extraordinarily intelligent and competent professional in his work with our firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers, in Canada.

John’s knowledge of nutrition and how it impacts on the physiology and psychology of our bodies is robust and is very current in nature. John has an incredible ability to make sense of a complex topic easy to understand for non medically trained individuals

I believe we are exceptionally fortunate as a firm to have been able to work Dr. Briffa over the past 10 years and it is my hope that we will have yet another 10 years of his counsel and support in enhancing the nutritional and lifestyle behaviours of our senior partners.”

Wayne McFarlane – Former global head of HR, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Canada

Feedback from previous delegates

A sample of feedback from participants of sessions delivered by Dr John Briffa:

“A talk given by somebody with impeccable qualifications in the subject. The session was very relevant in relation to our role moving forward both personally and commercially”.

“The whole thing wad absolutely excellent. I thought 2 hours was a crazy amount of time to listen to one person non-stop, but it was interesting throughout. A lot of things he said resonated with me and, I’m sure, others.”

“Entertaining with the right mix of evidence-based explanation and simple advice and messages.”

“I found all of the session very interesting and plan to use some of the material to feed back to others in my department.”

‘I found it a really interesting and enjoyable talk. Dr Briffa made it clear that a few simple changes could make a big impact, and I was inspired to follow his suggestions. He presented the issues in a positive way, rather than coming across as negative.”

“I liked the provocative challenge on generally accepted ‘truths’, and the fact that we can achieve better quality of life with some changes in behaviour.”

“Absolutely hit the mark and was delivered in a very engaging manner.”

“The session presented by Dr Briffa was excellent. It contained thought-provoking content and was presented in an interesting manner

“Something fresh, an energy-packed delivery which made us think about things from a new perspective.”

A sample of feedback from delegates on courses delivered by Dr John Briffa and associates:

“I liked the fact that there was no hectoring, and the information was balanced and common sense based. I found the ability of the presenters to establish fact and wipe away myth quite fascinating.”

“The course was excellent – wonderful delivery in a fun and interesting fashion.”

“I can honestly say that this was the most useful course I have been on.”

“The course held my attention and was interesting throughout.”

“I liked the variety and irresistible logic – very convincing!”

“The course was great fun and stimulating. Not annoying or sanctimonious in any way.”

“The facilitators were clearly very competent and I appreciated their good humoured and engaging style.”

“The tutors were excellent. I loved the fact that they combined competence and expertise with enthusiasm and fun.”

“The course really did provide me with practical strategies for helping with my work-life balance.”

“I thought the balance of nutrition, exercise and mental health was great. I also enjoyed the science of it all, which gave it a logic I can hang onto.”

“Lived up to the expectations prompted by others who had been on the course. I learned more than I expected to!”

“I found the course very interesting and practically geared, particularly with regard to how small changes can have large consequences for health and wellbeing.”

“Feel the course will be the impetus to make long lasting changes. Would recommend it wholeheartedly to my colleagues.”

For the benefits for individuals and organisations click here.

To make an enquiry, email Dr John Briffa at john@drbriffa.com.