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How our beliefs about what controls our weight may actually affect our weight

A couple of weeks ago I was talking to a lady who expressed the wish to lose weight. By her own account she was some 20 kgs heavier than she was many years ago when she was a competitive athlete. She worked full time, had a family and little time for exercise. Her view seemed […]

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Statin found to largely negate the fitness benefits of exercise

A major motivator for many to take exercise is the desire to ‘get fit and healthy’. Regular exercise induces changes that can increase things like strength and endurance. One particular adaptation to exercise concerns increased numbers of tiny structures called mitochondria (my-toe-con-dree-ah) in the cells. Most of our energy needs are met by the metabolism […]

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Is walking as healthy as running?

I’ve seen this week a few reports of a study which compared the potential effects of running and walking on a variety of health markers and outcomes including blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. The study followed about 33,000 regular runners and about 16,000 regular walkers over a period of about 6 years [1]. For […]

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Podcast – 29th March 2013

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Walking found to provide significant relief from back pain

Many years ago I had a friend who, like quite a lot of people, suffered from chronic (long-term) low back pain. Sometimes, his back would ‘flare up’ and incapacitate him for several days at a time. He tried a load of treatments for his back including manipulations and acupuncture. In the end, it was his […]

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Why it can sometimes pay to be realistic about the impact of exercise on weight loss

January is not that far away now and when it comes around at least some people will turn their thoughts to shedding surplus pounds through diet, exercise or both. I came across a report this week of a recently-published study which compared the effects of aerobic exercise with resistance training on weight and fat loss. […]

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Study suggests that, for optimal fat loss, the best thing to eat before exercise is nothing at all

The night before someone runs a marathon, there’s a fair chance they’ll chow down on pasta. The carbohydrate in pasta is supposed to help stock the liver and muscles with glycogen (a form of starch) which can then be used to fuel one’s efforts the following day. Such an approach is said to reduce the […]

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Podcast – 26th October 2012

More misinformation from bread manufacturers Warburtons, the French paradox is not a paradox, and simply mental tricks to enhance motivation.

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Simple mental tricks for improving motivation and making change easy

Most individuals believe that physical activity is beneficial, but many at the same time may find themselves leading quite sedentary lives. The time that exercise can take can be a perceived barrier for some who believe there’s simply ‘not enough hours in the day’. I don’t judge this point of view because I can fall […]

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Sporting skill improved by just a simple squeeze

I very occasionally play golf but I’m rubbish at it really. The fact that I’m an irregular participant and never practice does not help me, but I’ve also noticed just how much my ‘head’ affects how well I play. I’ve sometimes heard it said that golf is a game that is played in the 6-inch […]

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